Tag Archives: Polyface

Polyface Meat Meal #2: Chicken

The hardest part of exam time is the sad puppy eyes searing through your back as you’re bent over some textbook or hornbook for hours a day. “Play with me,” they beg. And, they don’t understand [or care] about “grades” or “jobs.” So I thought Grady needed a friend. In lieu of a second puppy [which […]

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I Cooked Meat and Lived to Tell the Story

Who cooked her first meat meal in years and survived? This girl. Polyface Meat Meal #1 was a beef-based “Bolognese” sauce. I call it “Bolognese” because tomato meat sauce is not at all like a traditional bolognese [which is veal, butter, onion, carrot, pancetta, truffles, broth, cream]. Instead, this is what most people think bolognese is […]

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I Have 180 Photos of Chickens on my Camera

I’m pretty sure Shaun and I reaffirmed our Weirdest Couple Ever title this Valentine’s Day when I got him a cookbook and he got me tickets to a farm. Not like a sexy farm,* a farm farm. With poop and tractors. So yesterday for Valentine’s Day, I sat on a wagon, trudged through mud and […]

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On Eating Meat at Thanksgiving Dinner

I once attempted to explain what the word “vegetarian” means to me. In doing so, I mentioned the concept of “cheating.” I said that I sometimes do “cheat” and one of those times was last Thanksgiving, when I ate a slice of Polyface turkey at dinner. I realized I mischaracterized my actions by describing them as “cheating.” […]

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